How to Decorate Real Estate For Personal Property Appraisals

Every real estate professional and homeowner wants to achieve a high home value appraisal. How best to do that is of much debate in the real estate industry. Some homeowners use natural décor while others choose to stage it so that buyers experience up-to-date styles that are appealing. Here are a few real estate for personal property appraisal tips.

How Does Décor Affect an Appraisal?

Décor choices can make property values increase or decrease based on how an appraiser believes a home’s aesthetic will attract (or detract) real estate buyers. If décor is gaudy, a property likely won’t sell. If it is accessible, traditional, and tidy, a home’s aesthetic will help sellers attract more buyers.

What is Real Estate Home Staging?

Real estate home staging is a newer concept in the industry that allows real estate agents and designers to use current designs and styles that best fit the buyer market one hopes to attract. It also influences how real estate appraisers value a home during an assessment. Staging also finds ways to showcase a home’s best features and characteristics so that buyers notice them and want to pay top dollar for the property.

  • Staging is Relatively Inexpensive Yet Increases a Seller’s ROI Exponentially
  • Focuses on Important Living Spaces That Buyers Are Interested in The Most as a Selling Point
  • Prepares Real Estate Based on What Current Buyers Are Looking for to Increase Sale Price
  • Real Estate Professionals Also Clean, Declutter, Remove Personal Effects, Replace Cheaply Made Home Finishing, & Upgrade Outdated Appliances

Most homeowners decorate based on their tastes and styles, which often turn off potential home buyers. Real estate agents and personal property appraisers visualize how a design’s aesthetic compliments a home’s interior and exterior. Real estate staging adds natural interior design elements to each room to attract and enable buyers to envision themselves in the home without making it too obvious that it is staged.

Staging can also be an effective marketing tool as it elevates a home’s most popular characteristics while hiding less attractive flaws. Image advertising and digital home tours that also incorporate staging allow a real estate agent or decorator to attract a large pool of buyer candidates to increase the likelihood of a positive sale experience. It also helps validate a higher asking price when there is a confident marketing vibe.

The National Association of Realtors validated using pre-sale staging as asking prices increased by as much as five percent when compared to similar sizes, locations, and structural types. Staging also reduces the amount of time a piece of property sits on the market, regardless of whether it is during a buyer’s or seller’s market. Presentation and visualization always speak the loudest to appraisers and potential buyers.

Lastly, if you don’t want to stage a home for pre-sale, you can perform activities like deep decluttering and cleaning, removing photos and outdated personal décor, adding a coat of paint, greenery, flowers, or candles, and creating focal points in living spaces. Designers and home sellers should also remove elements like outdated kitchen, bathroom, or lighting fixtures, appliances, and unpopular elements like wallpaper.

To learn about personal property appraisal services, call 617-995-0022 or visit Also, ask about our holiday discounts for designers and decorators.