Are you preparing for the holidays yet? Americans usually fall into four holiday preparedness categories a) starts preparing the day after Christmas for the following year, b) believes Christmas in July is the proper starting point, c) starts right after Halloween, or d) waits until the night before to wing it. Manzi Appraisers gets it which is why we offer fine art restoration and antique repair any time.
Popular Thanksgiving Antiques & Heirlooms
Pilgrim Period Furniture (1640 -1690)
- Were Made by Woodworkers Trained by European Woodworking Experts
- Has a Medieval/ Renaissance Design
- Carver Chairs Were Made of Oak or Pine & Have Posts & Spindle Joints
- Brewster Chairs Were Made As Oversize Armchairs That Represented Thrones
- Oak or Pine Storage Chests
Pilgrim Period Case Pieces
- Carvings of Flowers, Foliage, Scrolls, & Geometrics
Fine China Dinnerware
Antique and heirloom fine China was made to tell stories yet represent fine dining sophistication. Originally, patterns consisted of Asian motifs such as dragons, emblems, and floral patterns, Europe soon embraced the porcelain fine China fashion in the 1600s as well as their formality. Europe then began to use patterns more familiar to the Western world such as Classical scenes or windmills.
- Lenox
- Royal Copenhagen
- Spode
- Welmar
Antique Silverware Sets
- Garrards Silversmiths (1722 to 1940s) George Wickes was the Founder but Includes R, J & S. Garrard, R. & S. Garrard, R. & S. Garrard & Co, or Garrard & Co Ltd
- Langlands Family (1750s-1790s) Work May Include John Langlands I, John Langlands II, or Dorothy Langlands
- Bateman Family (1760 to 1870s) HB (Hester-Female Founder) or PB over JB (Peter and Jonathan Bateman Known for Quality) Along With Bead Décor Are Most Collectible in Family.
- Paul Storr (1790s-1844)
- Elkington (1830s-1860s)
- Goldsmiths Hall / Omar Ramsden & Alwyn Carr (1898 to 1930s) Handcrafted Arts and Crafts & Art Nouveau Styles. Ramsden signed pieces with Omar Ramsden me Fecit or Facit (Omar Ramsden Made Me)
Midcentury Cocktail & Barware
Nothing represents midcentury better than cocktails and barware, right? After World War II, American families were ready for a bit of celebration, which is why authentic cocktail and barware pieces from Culver, Hazel-Atlas, and Libbey are in high demand today. These iconic glassmakers added just the right color and graphics along with a bit of gold trimmings to create just the right mood for modern Thanksgiving festivities.
Thanksgiving Fine Art
Thanksgiving fine art has a place in any elegant fine dining experience. Even though the first Thanksgiving was in October of 1620, it was not until the Civil War that Lincoln declared it a national holiday in November (Canada celebrates it in October). As Thanksgiving is such an integral part of America’s history, many artists have created works to celebrate a day with blessings and praise. What images come to your mind? Turkey, Freedom, and Macy’s Day parade, perhaps? What fine art does your family display during the holidays? Leave a comment below and let us know about it.
- Home to Thanksgiving, John Schutler / 1867
- Freedom from Want, Norman Rockwell / 1943
- Macy’s Parade, Joseph Delaney 1974-84
Most Popular Christmas Antiques, Heirlooms, & Decorative Art
Antiques, heirlooms, and decorative art created over the years were made of materials like silver, gold, aluminum, copper, porcelain, pottery, stainless steel, clay, iron, plastic, glass, and earthenware. Items may be handmade, designer, or mass-produced, so we advise you to have antique appraisals and cleanings for these items to determine their values as well as create paperwork for your family.
Antique Nativity Scenes & Figurines
Antique nativity sets are made to represent the first scene in 1223 of St. Francis of Assisi in an Italian Grecio cave. Today, nativity scenes are must-haves for American families. Antique nativity scenes and figurines over one hundred years old have been passed down from one generation to the next and coveted as a Christmas tradition. In the 18th century, religious figures were created from terra cotta and hand-painted and brought to America by Protestants. While nativity sets are created in mass today, it is the scenes and figurines that best represent religious history as well as their diverse beliefs.
Antique & Vintage Train Sets
Train sets continue to be a trendy Christmas showpiece. One of the most renowned train makers was Lionel Manufacturing Co. (1900) who created the iconic Lionel Train Sets. After WWII, train sets exploded in popularity. From the gauge electric locomotive to the post-WWII O-gauge steam locomotive and O27 train sets and accessories, collectors today as much as $500 for a single piece by Lionel Manufacturing.
Crystal Glassware & Tableware
American families love crystal glassware and tableware from the American Brilliant era (1876 to 1920s). Manufacturers like Waterford, Baccarat, and Val Saint Lambert are top quality and collectible.
What Should I Do If Antiques, Heirlooms, or Fine Art Is Damaged?
If you have chipped, broken, ripped, or damaged antiques, heirlooms, or fine artwork handed down through multiple generations, don’t discard them before consulting with our fine art restoration experts. If you have improperly stored them, we can also help. With a bit of repair or restoration, pieces may be worth a pretty penny, which our experts can authenticate through antique appraisals.
If you have a cherished antique or heirloom you want to be repaired or restored, give us a call at 617-995-0022 or visit us on Facebook at where you can learn more about holiday preparation. You can also send us a direct message and image along with your call-back number so we can help you get everything ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations.